Shivarama Karantha is a renowned writer from Karnataka. Born in the village of Kota belonging to Udupi district has contributed immensely to the fields of art and literature. He has been given a title "Kadala Theerada Bhargava". Here are the highlights of 3 small drops out of the ocean of his life:
1) Yakshagaana Artist: When the Yakshagaana was losing the needed recognition Karantha'ru contributed immensely to the revival of it. Being an artist himself and training others even in his late 90's proves the kind of passion he had towards the art form. It is also said that he took his troop overseas and made his earnest efforts in introducing the art internationally.
2) Social and environment Activist
: He has written a novel "Chomana Dudi" where he tries to very well highlight the plight of an untouchable bonded laborer. This was later made into a movie in 1975. He also founded Indian Nature Conservation Society for promoting awareness on environment conservation.
3) Writer: He has written several famous novels, short stories, travelogues, essays etc. He is the 3rd from Karnataka to receive Jnanapeeta Prashasthi, the highest Indian literary award. He has written more than 400 books across various genres.
4) Awards: More than 80 books were written about him by others. That shows the kind of value he created of himself through his continued efforts and contributions across various fields. He also has bagged many awards like Sahithya Academy award, Swedish Academy award among others. He was awarded with Padmabhushana Prashasthi in 1968 which he returned to the Government in 1975 as a protest against the National Emergency imposed.
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