(Pic: Durga Mudra. Known to relieve stress and makes one feel safe. You can practice for 5 minutes a day)
When in depression or anxiety take just 5 minutes, and patiently chant this for 21 times at minimum each day closing your eyes. Any time, no restrictions. Rest of your day is for you to do whatever you want. I'm sure you will believe again that this is a fantastic world to live in.
"Om Mani Padme Hum"
Ma : Represents ethics
Ni : Represents patience
Pad : Represents diligence
Me : Represents focus
Hum : Represents wisdom
Chanting these sounds helps one in following ways:
Ma : Purifies jealousy
Ni : Purifies greed
Pad : Purifies ignorance
Me : Purifies attachment
Hum : Purifies hatred
In literal sense this means "I praise the jewel (Mani) in the lotus (Padme)". "Hum" denotes union of two. The idea behind chanting this is connected to the intention to gather the Universal force in union of the two and thereby attain enlightenment.
This chant is very powerful and can help a person live a total guilt-free life in general.
Always remember there is no being who hasn't erred. We err and we learn. Life is very fair; we just need to clear some clutters of our mind. This mantra is one of those tools that help you get that done.
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