I am sorry- to self
Most of the times we have no idea how many sins we may have committed in our lifetime. Lucky are you if you have a realisation of one.
The awareness of "oh I committed this mistake" is highly underrated. Upon having this realisation,
1) we often tend to fall into the trap of guilt.
2) we start looking at us from the eyes and thoughts of an external individual or a group.
3) we look at it as a fact that cannot be undone and that the results cannot be avoided.
4) we worry about the impact of it on our future etc...
These put us in pressure which we ourselves created even before it broke to the hands of society.
But, my dear... there is no person who hasn't erred. Intensities of mistakes may vary , but we as humans have always erred. The most crucial aspect we miss during this process is "to see such mistake from our own perspective".
Before I am answerable to anybody else, I am answerable to myself. And when there's regret that sprung in me, 99% of my problem is solved. I'll tell you how ....
1) first and foremost thing, I have to acknowledge my own courage to have accepted my mistake. Unless I am brave I can't even take this first step. Congratulations on that.
2) I now have begun to feel for others who have been affected because of this mistake. This means that I am being empathetic, which is another sign of strength. Sooner or later they want to forgive me for the transformation that this mistake is going to make in me and my lifestyle.
3) You are less prone to commit this mistake again as you have given a considerable amount of time in analyzing this mistake from your own perspective than others'.
Always remember that change is part of life. We fall only to get up. Please don't look at anything bad that happens in your life as an end-point, it "certainly is not". We absolutely have all the right to change ourselves for better.
Relax yourself and say "I am sorry" to your inner self; not with pain, not with hatred but only with care and concern. Say it as many times as you want, loud or in mind. Begin to free yourself from any other thoughts. This does relieve you from the pressure of how to face consequences. Instead it clears your way out slowly and steadily leading you to another rejuvenated life, that's more like yours....the life that you consciously know is good and that which you chose to lead. Show this commitment not repeating it again and imprint the traits that can prove yourself to be the opposite. You need no outside validations.
Thank you!
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