An overall excellent oral health can begin from the simple act of cleaning your tongue well. This helps protect one from cavities. By brushing or scratching microorganisms and poisons from the outer layer of the tongue, you're lessening how much plaque is framing in the mouth which will assist with keeping it from gathering on your teeth and causing cavity, tooth decay, and gum illness.
Most of us count on tongue scrapers which sometimes ends up leaving scratches. And this, many times, does not guarantee removing the thickly accumulating white substance either.
A simple hack is to take two pinches of baking powder (for me baking powder works better than baking soda. If you want to try baking soda instead, please ensure to take even less quantity so that you don't end up burning your tongue) and rub it on your tongue every morning with the help of toothbrush. You can do it gently which saves you from being wounded and at the same time get top notch result that you ever wanted.
Thank you!
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